Curriculum Vitae
I am marine biologist specialised in deep-sea biology and ecology. As an early-career researcher, I have conducted numerous projects focussing on community dynamics within the deep North-Atlantic and beyond, as well as contributed to projects aiming to understand the impacts of anthropogenic change on deep-sea ecosystems. I have conducted research placements rooted in policy, and hope that my research can be used to inform policy makers on decisions that will benefit the deep ocean.
This page provides an interactive platform on which to view my CV, but please feel free to download a PDF copy as well.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
2022 - present
University of Liverpool
Environmental sciences (lab based)
“Disentangling the deposit feeders: identifying isotopic niches of abyssal plain megafauna and assessing relationships with body size”
Supervised by Dr Rachel M. Jeffreys
Research Masters (MRes)
2021 - 2022
University of Plymouth
Marine Biology (Distinction)
"Do neighbours make good friends? George Bligh Bank diversity and community structure is similar to that of neighbouring seamounts”
Supervised by Prof. Kerry L. Howell and Dr. Nicola Foster
Bachelor of Science (BSc Hons)
2017 - 2021
Bangor University
Applied Marine Biology (1:1)
"Exploring the visual interactions hypothesis in mesopelagic cephalopods”
Supervised by Dr. Sarah Zylinski
Research experience
Exploring variations of feeding niche with body size in abyssal megafauna
PhD project using bulk and compound-specific stable isotope analyses to identify the feeding niches of abyssal megafauna.
Aims include: ​
Identifying relationships between body size and feeding niche
Determining variations in this trend over multiple years
Deducing which aspects of particulate organic matter are being utilised by common abyssal organisms
Comparing the community structure of neighbouring seamounts in the NE Atlantic
Master's project quantifing the community of George Bligh Bank in the Rockall Trough, and make comparisons to nearby seamounts (Anton Dohrn and Rosemary Bank).
Video analyses conducted to identify megafauna
Community analyses conducted to compare communities at George Bligh Bank across different depths ​
Alpha and beta diversity calculated
Diversity metrics compared between seamounts
Taxonomy of deep sea Cladorhizid sponges
Internship project using morphological and genetic techniques to identify deep-sea sponges from the North Atlantic.
Spicules extracted from sponges for identification and measurement through a microscope
Samples prepare for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Histology conducted to view structure of spicules within sponges
DNA extraction and metabarcoding conducted
Goodwin, LVM, Durden, JM, Thomson, JS, Jeffreys RM. Trophic position increases with body size in a detritus-based ecosystem. Ecology, in prep.
Allcock, AL, Bridges, AEH, Goodwin, LVM, et al. Review of the North-Atlantic deep-sea: science, policy and management. Oceanography and Marine Biology, in prep.
Hill, E, Vad, J, Goodwin, LVM, Grady, L, Impacts of climate change on deep-sea habitats relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK. MCCIP Science Review 2024, in press.
Professional experience
Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
Intern, Feb - May 2024
Conducted a review of climate change indicators used in marine environments in the UK and OSPAR region.
Recommended next steps to be made by the marine ecosystems team in order to develop a deep-sea climate change indicator.
University of Liverpool
Teaching assistant, 2022 - present
Assisting in undergraduate and postgraduate education for marine biology and environmental sciences.
Directed discussions in seminars
Assisting in field and lab sessions
Supporting in R statistics workshops
Guiding students through dissertation writing
CIIMAR, Portugal
Research intern, 2019-2020
Conducting taxonomy of deep-sea Cladorhizid sponges using morphological analyses and metabarcoding.
Contributed to the SponGIS database following Darwin Core standards for biological diversity
Supervised by Dr. Joana R. Xavier
Grants awarded
Bayesian methods for ecological and environmental modelling course - all costs covered.
Fellowship awarded for berth on research cruise.
Travel award granted.
NERC-tied PhD studentship
Participation grant awarded.
Conference Activity
Challenger Society Conference, 2024
Goodwin, LVM, Durden, JM, Thomson, JS, Jeffreys, RM. Variations in feeding niche with organismal body size in an abyssal ecosystem.
Oral presentation - Award winning.
ACCE DTP Conference, 2023
Goodwin, LVM, Durden, JM, Thomson, JS, Jeffreys, RM, Deep-sea invertebrate body size is linked to feeding niche,
Poster presentation
Research Cruises
RRS James Cook 263
Porcupine Abyssal Plain, Atlantic Ocean
19 May – 12 June, 2024
PSO: Dr. Andrew R. Gates, NOCS​
Image acquisition using HyBIS, sediment megacoring, trawl processing, data management
RRS James Cook 247
Porcupine Abyssal Plain, Atlantic Ocean
5 - 22 May, 2023
PSO: Dr. Andrew R. Gates, NOCS​
Sediment megacoring, trawl processing, data management
Memberships and affiliations
North Atlantic regional Working Group
Climate change working group
Student Member
Mentee in the mentoring programme
Student Member​​
School of Environmental Sciences
Diversity, equality and inclusivity committee (DEIC) member
Student Member​​
Deep-sea forum member
PhD at Sea - Blogs at NOC, 2024
HyBIS on JC263 - Blogs at NOC, 2024
Meet the next generation of deep-sea researchers - Deep-sea biological Society, 2023
Visualising climate change impacts around Scottish deep-sea using a StoryMap - ArcGIS StoryMap, in prep.
"Climate change indicators in UK waters: prospects for the deep-sea? " - Deep-sea training group, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, invited speaker
"Body size in the deep-sea: assessing the size structure of abyssal food webs” - School of Environmental Sciences Seminar Series, University of Liverpool